What I learned when AAF turned into K-love

Then I heard the news.  AAF was becoming K-love.  I don’t care if you judge me for being disappointed when the news traveled from my newsfeed and into my eyes.  Well, my first thought was, “That’s hilarious”.  Then I was disappointed.  I knew several of my rock and roll friends in the area, including those who were involved with AAF in the early days, were disappointed.  I understood.  Something that is a part of your history, when it changes, tends to disappoint.

Book Review:  A Burning in my Bones

This week I read an early copy of the new authorized biography of Pastor Eugene Peterson by Winn Collier.  I finished yesterday and need to tell you, specifically if you’re a pastor or have a pastor’s heart, you need to read this.  Admittedly, I knew little about Peterson before I read the book other than how most people know him – He authored “The Message” translation of the Bible.

Friends and the Pandemic

There are a lot of advantages to living in the world where we live.  We have technology and we have nature.  In one day we can read a book on our phone, talk to a friend in California, make something with our hands in our backyard, and walk up a mountain or on a sandy beach or in the middle of a great wood, depending on where you live in the world.  But at no point in history have we been able to realize the importance of real relationships than now.  

The Nicene Creed, Part 2

A king born in a manger.  You know the story.  But considering that at the point the story was written there was nothing like it, it is an astonishing tale.  Kings were all about power and riches and big armies.  Even the nation of Israel, a thousand years before Jesus, complained to the prophet Samuel that “they wanted a king, like other nations.”  Power, riches, Big armies.

The Nicene Creed, Part 1

Today we’re talking about elements of the Nicene Creed and what we believe as a church.  Last week I told you that the Bible is not for information, its for transformation, and that only comes through application.  But transformation happens when we apply the information.  So you need information.  This series will be informative.    

Lust or Found?

Probably since the early 90’s, I have been attracted to successful ministries and bands.  Let’s start with Dc Talk, or as I like to call them, my first musical love.  They were on the cover of CCM Magazine a ton and each time they were, I made sure to run to the local Christian bookstore, “the Captain’s Quarters” and pick up a copy.  I went to that store on September 15, 1992 to pick up my copy of the new Michael W Smith Album, “Change your World” and again on January 10, 1993 to pick up “Free at Last” by DC Talk.  I wanted to sing like them.  I wanted to go to their concerts.  I wanted to be on stage like them.

Book Review:  A Church called Tov

For years, I wanted a big church with lots of people and lots of fans.  In order to do that though, I must build in qualities that shouldn’t actually be a part of the bride of Christ – No accountability, merit, and competition.  I was stuck in a toxic culture because I needed money for my family of six, and I was afraid to call anyone out.  I didn’t have the courage to do the right hinge at the time.

Hijacking the party

The problem is, the Kingdom of God transcends above politics in a way that allows us to vote and have an impact in our world without getting in bed with parties and people who (please trust me when I tell you this) will use you to accomplish their own political means.  You are not special in this way.  If you are not focused in on what the Spirit of God wants you to do and how he wants you to act, you will quickly move from being a prophet speaking truth to an idiot sitting on a talking ass who refuses to allow you to influence anyone at anytime (see Numbers 22).