National Compliment Day

Today, January 24th, is National Compliment Day.  As a society, we are so inwardly focused (social media hasn’t exactly helped this) that we hardly have time to pay someone a compliment.  So spend today making a commitment to compliment as many people as you can in an authentic way.  

Who you are not

When revitalizing a church, your temptation is going to be to do it like the big dogs.  You want to be the next Andy Stanley, Rick Warren, Steven Furtick, Craig Groeschel or whoever else is popular at the time.  Your church, however, should be different.  It should be different because you are different, your members are different, your community is different, and your calling is, therefore, different.

Does God want me here?

Before you decide to revitalize your church or your small group, and to bring dead bones to life, first go to God and ask Him if he’s down with that plan.  We started our revitalization conversation here, and if you’re trying to turn things around or just beginning your story, you’re probably excited about the…

The Nicene Creed, part 3

I have a question for you.  What part of Jesus’ story is the good news?  Is it the way he was born?  Is it the way he lived his life, perfect and loving?  Is it the super cool miracles he performed for those who stood around him, sometimes asking him for healing and change?  Is the good news the things that he taught, making him not only the very nature of God, like we talked about last week, but a prophet speaking into the lives of Israel and those who listened?  Is it the fact that he has created some of the greatest holidays we have today, and we get amazing food as a result?

My Grandfather, the Pastor

I am different than my grandpa “Chuck”.  I am talkative and energetic and love to have a good conversation.  My grandpa has always been quiet and  reserved, preferring to read and study over talking.  Yet he’s always been a man to be admired.  With my grandma Judy He started the Grace Baptist Church in Birmingham…