The Babel Pandemic 3

On my 13th birthday, my family gathered around for a celebration of thankfulness to the gods for allowing me to live.  Early that morning, I woke and smelled the cooked meats.  My mother told me 5 deer, 2 calves, and 30 fish roasted over an open fire for our family feast.  Roasted grains, eggs, fresh vegetables, honey, and pomegranates rounded out the meal.  As the time approached for our family to gather, I remember seeing a sliver of sun peaking through the clouds and descending on small part of Uruk I stood upon.  Perhaps this is a sign from the gods of things to come, I thought to myself that midday.  Perhaps  things are changing for me.

The Babel Pandemic 1

I will be writing this book chapter by chapter.  Each chapter will be released by Tuesday morning.  There will also be an audio podcast of each chapter as well. Chapter 1 The old lady cleaned up the meal they ate  minutes ago.  Her husband sat outside of their home relaxing and humming some song he…

Stories from the Q:  Joey B

The Q Began last March, and though I can’t be sure, I believe that was a year and two months ago.  I have no proof right now, but it’s been warm here in downtown Worcester, Massachusetts for over a week now, and that just doesn’t happen unless it’s May.  Its crazy how one day I can be teaching Math to a bunch 7th grade middle school students at Forest Grove, and the next I’m asked to go home and stay there by my bosses, the media, politicians, doctors, and a bunch of stay at home moms turned infectious disease experts on social media.  So I went home, and for the next three weeks, played X-box with my college friends from around the country.

Go buy a book!

My first novel, “Flat Earth” is now officially released and ready to buy digitally!  You can buy it on Kindle or Apple Books or Kobo or Smashwords.  If you’re looking for a good book to read, consider trying this one for a late night read or your virtual book club!  I hope you like it!

That time I almost Quit

On a cold December morning in 2017, I met with a group of friends (that I still meet with, though this morning it will be on Zoom) and we discussed our dreams.  Not the kind that you have when you’ve spun through a deep cycle of sleep and are close to waking up, but the ones that spur you on to make it through this life.  The dreams that push you to be better than you are, while at the same time help you be the person you were created to become.

Flat Earth chapter 1

  Part 1 Now and Then As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his foolishness. Proverbs 26:11     I love to tell stories.  I love to tell stories about my life and the lives of interesting people who are interesting and do interesting things.   I tell stories that make…

Kingdom Work during the Pandemic

This is a difficult time.  Difficult times do not mean that Kingdom Work is on hold.  In fact, The act of being a disciple is all the more important right now as this is the kind of world the Christian is called to act in ways that are specifically Christ like.  We are not destined to be self-serving, and as such, we must think in ways that are kingdom-minded, and not solely on how to help our own plights.  So after a few weeks of “staying in”, here are some ways you can begin to act with the mind of Christ.