Times of worship

I’m sitting in my office right now, pondering John 1:6-14.  “And we have seen his glory, the Glory of the Father’s one and only Son.”  I’ve had a few conversation today, worked on some admin work, and prepared for a group of students I’ll be meeting with tomorrow night.  In the midst of all that, the song “Waymaker” by Leeland pops onto my Amazon Echo, and I’m changed.  I start to worship in my office, not caring if anyone from the one or two groups meeting around me, hear me or see me should they pass my windowed door.

I don’t do this enough.  Worship Jesus outside of the church “worship” time.  I think that’s a problem.  How do we create a sense of worship in our life all the time?  How does the disciple stop thinking of Jesus only at a church service, and bring him into our everyday life?

  •  Visualize and know that he is with you always

He is.  He promised he would be, not only for the disciples listening to him live and in person, but also the church that would follow them for the next two millennia and beyond.  His Spirit lives in us and we can know that we are not alone even in the midst of dark circumstances. Ironically though, it is in the midst of great times that we are most susceptible to forgetting his presence and doing our own thing.  He is with you.

  • Listen to worship music (or you did you)

Please understand I’m not telling you to only listen to worship music, but make it a habit.  There is a clear difference in me when I listen to only other kinds of music and don’t listen to music that focuses on worshiping Jesus.  There’s plenty of good stuff out there in all different styles, so be proactive and listen to the stuff you like that focuses on him.

Or if you worship in other ways, listen to or  look at or touch or move in whatever way you want to worship, but please, use those senses and worship him on the regular.

  • Fly solo

If you’re like me, you like to be around people, and if you’re not like me, you enjoy doing tasks.  Either way, when you’re alone, it’s possible you find tasks to do or just want to rest.  But make sure to use your alone time to just be with him.  No tasks.  No people.  Just you and Jesus, walking together in this thing called life.  This is so important because it is in the midst of this type of spiritual relationship that you can root out relational or spiritual manipulation that goes on all the time in churches and spiritual organizations.  Make sure to listen and talk to Jesus.  He’s your very best friend.

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